Sense About Science USA would like to wish you and yours a happy, healthy holiday and new year. It’s been a productive first year here at SAS USA. We head into 2016 grateful for what we’ve been able to accomplish—thanks to the help of many generous supporters—and excited about what lies ahead.
Here’s what we’ve been up to:
Most recently, we launched a YouTube channel and debuted our first video about the AllTrials campaign: Why vets want to see the AllTrials campaign for clinical trial transparency succeed in the US. Thank you to the staff and pet owners at Adobe Animal Hospital in Los Altos, CA, who graciously welcomed us into their facility.
Next up, AllTrialsUS campaign director Dr. Lauren Quattrochi will produce a video featuring patients’ voices on the need for clinical trials to be registered and results reported. SAS USA launched a campaign on GoFundMe to finance the production of the video and has raised nearly half of the $12,000 goal from 80 supporters so far—thank you to each and every one of the donors.
We’re particularly excited about ramping up efforts with AllTrialsUS in 2016, as clinical trial transparency becomes an increasingly timely issue: In November, the AMA announced its support of increased data sharing and Boston Globe’s STAT published “Failure to Report: A STAT investigation” in mid-December.
Our own STATS project for statistical literacy—made up of volunteer statisticians from Cornell, Gallaudet, Stanford, and other colleges and universities—has been tackling inquiries from journalists working at media outlets like ProPublica and the BMJ.
You can listen to SAS USA Director Trevor Butterworth weigh in on the subject of media and statistics in the latest episode of University of Miami Ohio’s Stats and Stories podcast.
And remember, contact us here with your stats queries—no question is too small!
Finally, this fall we launched the preliminary results of our Guide for Scientists Being Interviewed, which was put together with feedback from young scientists and a survey of more than 200 science journalists. We are working on creating easily printable versions of the guide for scientists and press officers early in 2016.
We look forward to expanding these projects in the new year, as well as bringing new voices and ideas on board—these are exciting times, we are so happy to have you along for the ride.
Happy Holidays!
Trevor, Neda, Lauren & Carey
Sense About Science USA