New on STATS

Data Journalism's Sweet Spot

With the current fervor for big data and data journalism, what do statisticians and mathematicians think of the reporting that’s being done?

We asked the math and stats experts of our STATS Advisory Board.


Are you a journalist? Our volunteer advisory board of academics from across the U.S.
are here to help you make sense of statistics and numbers. We’ll do our best to help you make your deadline.

Since launching in April 2015, our volunteer advisory board  has helped journalists at these news organizations and other media.

Business Insider
Dallas Morning News
Five Thirty Eight
Gatehouse Media
Health News Review
Huffington Post
L.A. Times
Las Vegas Review Journal
Medpage Today
National Geographic
National Press Foundation

National Public Radio
New York Times
News Tribune
PBS NewsHour
Press Democrat
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Worcester Business Journal

stats-barSTATS Workshops

Free interactive workshops in statistics tailored to science, health, and general reporting. We’ll come to your newsroom, journalism school or media organization.


STATS workshop at the Knight Science Journalism program at MIT with Rebecca Goldin, Director of STATS and Professor of Mathematics, George Mason University, and Regina Nuzzo, Professor, Gallaudet University


STATS workshop at Springer Nature/Scientific American with Rebecca Goldin,
Director of STATS and Professor of Mathematics, George Mason University


STATS workshop at Springer Nature with Tian Zheng,
Associate Professor of Statistics, Columbia University


STATScamp at the Grady College of Journalism, University of Georgia, with George Mason University’s Rebecca Goldin and Patrick McKnight


STATS workshop for American Geophysical Union and DC Science Writers Association with Gallaudet University statistician Regina Nuzzo


STATS workshop at STAT News with Rebecca Goldin,
Director of STATS and Professor of Mathematics, George Mason University


STATS workshop at Vox with Rebecca Goldin,
Director of STATS and Professor of Mathematics, George Mason University

stats-barPromoting Statistical Literacy

Sense About Science USA promotes statistical literacy at academic and public events across the U.S.


STATS’ Rebecca Goldin at the Broad Institute for the 2017
Cambridge Science Festival

Read about it here


Trevor Butterworth at the National Academy of Sciences
Sackler Colloquium on Reproducibility 2017

Read about it here


Our panel at the Joint Statistical Meeting 2016

stats-barScientifically Speaking (STATS edition)

We also work with statisticians and statistics students to improve the public’s understanding of statistics through better communication.


Scientifically Speaking communications workshop with ASA members


We co-sponsored a hackathon with Columbia University’s Statistics Club


David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk
at Cambridge University talks about STATS at AAAS 2016

stats-barSTATS Forum

A venue for statisticians and mathematicians to critically evaluate study design and statistical methods in research. The subjects (products, procedures, treatments, etc.) of the studies being evaluated are neither endorsed nor rejected by Sense About Science USA. We encourage readers to use these articles as a starting point to discuss better study design and statistical analysis. While we strive for factual accuracy in these posts, they should be considered academic rather than journalistic writing.

The CDC Conspiracy

The CDC Conspiracy

Should the media cover anti-vaccination claims? It seems as if conventional reporting would probably do more harm than good if it did by reporting both sides and creating the impression of equivalency between weight of evidence and false claims. But what if the latest claim is a statistical analysis—and a senior CDC vaccine researcher appears to back it up?

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The CDC Conspiracy

The CDC Conspiracy

Should the media cover anti-vaccination claims? It seems as if conventional reporting would probably do more harm than good if it did by reporting both sides and creating the impression of equivalency between weight of evidence and false claims. But what if the latest claim is a statistical analysis—and a senior CDC vaccine researcher appears to back it up?

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African American Boys and Autism

African American Boys and Autism

  A shocking reanalysis of CDC data claimed that African American boys had a greater risk of autism associated with the time they were vaccinated, and that the agency had covered up this finding. The study ignited a wave of conspiracy charges across the web; but...

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David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk at the University of Cambridge talks about what makes statisticians miserable and why it’s important for society.

Sense About Science Executive Director Trevor Butterworth talks about the importance of statistical literacy for journalists on Montreal’s The Body of Evidence.

Reddit AMA with STATS Director Rebecca Goldin. Click here.

stats-barPartners and Resources

Our partners, major  statistical organizations, books, articles, and blogs.