RUN: AllTrials USA call for patient stories
AllTrials USA sponsor RUN shares AT USA’s call for patient stories.
Health News Review: How much significance should health news give to statistically nonsignificant results? Director, Rebecca Goldin is interviewed by Health News Review about the significance of statistically nonsignificant results in a recently published study on women and chemotherapy.
STAT: Many clinical trials’ findings never get published. Here’s why that’s bad
AllTrials campaign mentioned in STAT report following the publication of new research that suggests nearly half of all clinical trials involving children go unfinished or unpublished.
Policy Options: Linking academic research with the public and policy-makers
Article from Canada’s Policy Options (Institute for Research on Public Policy) mentions Sense About Science USA’s Media Guide for Scientists.
STAT: Does exercise prevent cancer?
STAT article on whether exercise can prevent cancer cites’s Rebecca Goldin on the failure to control for confounders.
National Geographic: Giant Squid Could Be Bigger Than a School Bus
National Geographic consults’s Rebecca Goldin on the statistical likelihood of giant squid claimed in a new study. First-Ever Public Understanding of Statistics Fellow, and the American Statistical Association (ASA), are proud to announce that Ph.D. student, Jonathan Auerbach will serve as the first-ever Public Understanding of Statistics fellow for the summer of 2016. National Comprehensive Cancer Network® joins AllTrials
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) joins the global campaign for clinical trial registration and reporting.
AHC Media: AMA calls for clinical trial transparency
The American Medical Association (AMA) has joined the AllTrials initiative, giving the campaign for clinical trial data transparency a formidable ally with the largest physician membership in the U.S. Includes an interview with AllTrials USA’s Lauren Quattrochi.