Epistemically Challenged is an opinion series about how each one of us explores knowledge. In this installment, airline pilot Scott Harris talks about the importance of teaching his children to think critically and deeply about the world. In late April, on a night...
An interview with Helena Kauppila The limits of the canvas don’t constrict artist Helena Kauppila, PhD, but inspire her to explore the expansive sky or the depths of the ocean from a new perspective: she physically changes the point of view for us so that we’re not...
The Supreme Court is weighing the question of whether voting districts can be drawn in ways that give an advantage to one party, thereby violating the principle of one person, one vote. In Harris v Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, a group of Republican...
Dr. Lauren Quattrochi talks about the AllTrials US campaign and what it is doing to garner more clinical trial transparency globally at the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials (MRCT) Center’s December 2015 session. Image provided by MRCT. How a clinical trial is run,...
Epistemically Challenged is an opinion series about how each one of us explores knowledge. In this installment, Christine Madsen, Ph.D., talks about her research into the effects book digitization can have on libraries, as well as the importance of communication...
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